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Student Government Association

Nova Southeastern University has many different student governments on the campus, including the College of Psychology’s Student Government Association (SGA). SGA has twelve (13) elected officials that represent the student body and regularly present the students' interests to the faculty and administration. SGA is currently advised by Dr. Ana Fins, and is also regularly helped by the administrative staff and faculty.

Each student at the College of Psychology pays a student activity fee that entitles them to become a member of SGA and permits them to take part in any/all of their activities. SGA also hosts a number of social activities throughout the year such as Back-to-school socials and the annual "Spring Formal."

Please feel free to contact SGA through email at if you have any questions or concerns or visit our office. The SGA office is located on the second floor in Room 2056 of the Maxwell Maltz Building.

Executive Board 2024-2025
President Naysha Rivera-Hartley
Vice President Delta Burchi
Treasurer Lauren Adams
Secretary Evelyn Valdes
Wellness Chair Angelica Rodriguez
Public Relations Sophia Lutz
Clinical Doctoral (Psy.D.) Representative Emily Murphy
School Psychology Representative Kethaki (Kate) Karunathilake
Faculty Advisor Dr. Ana Fins


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